Reflections from Ben Hoogendoorn, FH Canada's President & CEO is touring various partner communities throughout Africa.
Today I had the good fortune of spending time in a community in Eastern Uganda in the District of Mbale. The community of Makhai has been in a relationship with FH Canada since 2000. Next year, this community will be transitioning from a sponsored community program to sustainable and independent.
This is a remarkable accomplishment as the odds were not in their favour. The circumstances were harsh with very little margin for crisis. But Makhai resolved with deep trust that their Creator had a plan for their community and that He would help them in good times and bad. Their trust and hope in God is very evident and they are not shy to tell of how He has been their motivator, inspiration and the provider of HOPE.
Two years ago I asked one of the elders what made this community work together so hard to bring about the transformation everyone could see happening. I remember he told me that God had given them a vision for the children of their community and, with some help from FH, they acted upon that vision.
Today I was able to tell this man and the community leaders present at the gathering that I was proud of them for hearing this vision, acting on the vision, and now fulfilling the vision. The bonus for Makhai is that the many Canadians that have sponsored, encouraged, and visited this place have also been touched and changed by this community.
So not only have lives been impacted and changed in Makhai, but also in many Canadian communities. The community development transformation in Makhai is a living picture of "end to end transformation". We truly do need each other.