Atlantic Community Church (ACC) from Sussex , NB partnered with the village of Villa Hortencia
II in Nebaj ,
Guatemala in
2008. Since then, their enthusiasm has only grown as their relationship deepens.
This past June, 27 people in two teams visited Nebaj, for a total of five team
trips in four years of partnership. They have partnered together to build new
school blocks, a sports court, a stocked and equipped health clinic, and have
supported agricultural training and health training for mothers and their
“Villa Hortencia II and ACC are completely
changed because of this,” says Grant Saip, Partnership Liaison for FH Canada. “And
the real reward is having each other as an international family.”
Partnerships with FH communities are
multi-faceted: from poverty awareness “boot camps,” child sponsorship, projects
and skills training, fundraisers, and even trips to the partnered community.