Anna Demian, a grade 12 Langley, BC student, attended the spring Rice Raiser fundraiser at Chief Dan George Middle School in Abbotsford, BC. Inspired by the projects and enthusiasm of the younger students, she decided to join in their cause and began a fundraiser at her school. In just two weeks, Anna raised two hundred dollars to support a pig project in FH's partner community in Rwanda.
"My friend and I sold caramel popcorn bags out of our lockers and ran 5 kilometers 5 times over the span of 2 weeks. We ran before school at 7:30 am. It was so awesome!! We also got a grade 8 class to collect money through team points and colors. So there was some competition."
Being part of this project showed Anna that small actions can really make a difference. "We got to do something. We called this project freed to free because we are using our freedom to give freedom to others."
Anna graduated from high school this past June and is intent on pursuing a career in nursing. Her family and friends have high aspirations for where her passion and creativity will take her.
You can find out more about FH's pig project here.